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No Weapon Formed Against Me

You've probably heard this verse and/or seen it quoted everywhere, whether you're a Christian or not - but especially if you're a Christian. We tend to use it as a coping mechanism when we're in trouble. It's a solid reminder that the trouble we're going through won't last.


Sometimes, we use it to try to block out all trouble from our lives, and that's not what the scripture is saying at all. If we're not careful, we might start to erroneously think that weapons won't even survive the creation process. We tend to focus on the "shall prosper" but there's a very significant truth in this scripture that should never be bypassed:

Weapons will be formed. And they will be formed against you. So get ready.


So, while we're running around, telling the enemy to "miss me with the bull****" some of us are neglecting the words of our very own Savior, who warned us that we would have tribulation in this world. Trouble is coming, if it isn't already here. We will be offended. We will be wounded. We will have to endure.

You may be hit with a few bullets before the gun jams.

You may have a major artery slashed before the enemy's sword goes dull.

Do you understand what I'm saying?

What do we need armor for if we're not going to have to survive dangerous encounters? 

In short, don't wave around Isaiah 54:17 like it's a shield - it's not. It's a great reminder of God's promises, which you'll need to hold on to while you're knee-deep in promised tribulation. 

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